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Posted on December 15, 2018
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Streaming Eva Perón (1996) Full Movie and Download. Eva Perón can be access for free registering. Download Eva Perón with HD Quality.
Eva Perón (1996)
Release : 1996-10-24 Genre : Drama Runtime : 120 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast : Esther Goris, Víctor Laplace, Cristina Banegas, Pepe Novoa, Irma Córdoba
Drama based on the life of Eva Peron, an obscure actress, who rose to become wife of Argentine strong-man President Juan Peron and one of the most powerful figures in Argentina until her death in 1952 at age 33.
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Eva Perón WikipediaMaría Eva Duarte de Perón 7 May 1919 – 26 July 1952 was the wife of Argentine President Juan Perón 1895–1974 and First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952 She is usually referred to as Eva Perón or Evita She was born in poverty in the rural village of Los Toldos in the Pampas as the youngest of five 15 in 1934 she moved to the nations capital of Evita Peron Historical Research FoundationThe Museo Evita was created in 2002 as part of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Históricas Eva Perón operating under the auspices of the National Secretariat of Culture with Evita’s greatniece María Cristina Alvarez Rodriguez as presidentEva Perón Wikipedia la enciclopedia libreEva María Duarte Junín o área rural del Partido de General Viamonte 1 7 de mayo de 1919Buenos Aires 26 de julio de 1952 también llamada María Eva Duarte de Perón y más conocida como Eva Perón o monónimamente como Evita fue una dirigente política y actriz casó con Juan Domingo Perón en 1945 y tras la asunción de este como presidente de la Nación Argentina el Eva Perón Biography Facts Eva Perón was born in the small town of Los Toldos on the Argentine moved to Junín Argentina following her father’s death and traveled to Buenos Aires when she was 15 to pursue an acting careerEva Perón WikipediaEva Maria Duarte de Perón Los Toldos 7 mei 1919 – Buenos Aires 26 juli 1952 was de tweede echtgenote van de Argentijnse president Juan Perón 18951974 en first lady van 1946 tot haar dood in 1952 Ze werd niet politiek verkozen maar had wel veel macht en invloed op het regeringsbeleid Ze had een grote schare bewonderaars onder de armen en de arbeidersklasse van Argentinië wat Eva Peron Death Funeral Facts BiographySynopsis Eva Perón was born on May 7 1919 in Los Toldos Argentina After moving to Buenos Aires in the 1930s she had some success as an actress in 1945 she married Juan Perón who became Eva Perón Biography family children name death Eva Perón was the second wife and political partner of President Juan Perón 1895–1974 of Argentina An important political figure in her own right she was known for her campaign for female suffrage the right to vote her support of organized labor groups and her organization of a vast social welfare program that benefited and gained the support of the lower classesEva Perón — WikipédiaEva était la fille de Juan Duarte et de Juana Ibarguren et était inscrite à l’état civil sous le nom d’Eva María Ibarguren état civil modifié comme indiqué cihaut avant son mariage avec Juan Perón par substitution de Duarte à son patronyme et par inversion de l’ordre de ses deux prénoms13 Things You Might Not Know About Eva Perón Mental FlossFrom 1946 to 1952 Eva Perón full name María Eva Duarte de Perón—though she was born Eva María Ibarguren was Argentina’s First LadyEvita Peron MuseumOrganized for the recovery historical investigation and diffusion of the life and works of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron and her relevant contemporaries
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