Posted by admin
Posted on January 30, 2019
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Watch Kalibre 35 (2000) Full Movie and Download. Kalibre 35 can be access for free registering. Watch Kalibre 35 with HD Quality.
Kalibre 35 (2000)
Release : 2000-02-25 Genre : Thriller Runtime : 105 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast : Robinson Díaz, Juanita Acosta, Mario Duarte, Juan Carlos Vargas, Isabella Santodomingo
Obsessed with film and it the impossibility to get funding for the making of a film Federico and Luis Andres decide to rob a bank. They share a close friendship with a young actress Akira who becomes an accomplice in all their project and illusions. Despite this they decide to hide the theft plan because they believe it is better not to involve her.
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