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Desolate Definition of Desolate by MerriamWebsterWhat is the word origin of desolate Adjective Something that is desolate is literally or figuratively abandoned so you probably wont be surprised to learn that desolate has its roots in the Latin verb desolare meaning to abandon The Middle English word desolat comes from the past participle of desolare which in turn combines the prefix deand the adjective solus meaning aloneDesolate Define Desolate at 4 Desolate disconsolate forlorn suggest one who is in a sad and wretched condition The desolate person is deprived of human consolation relationships or presence desolate and despairing The disconsolate person is aware of the efforts of others to console and comfort but is unable to be relieved or cheered by them She remained disconsolate even in the midst of friendsDesolate definition of desolate by The Free Dictionarylonely lonesome forlorn desolate Lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship while lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness forlorn and desolate are even more isolated and sadDesolate Synonyms Desolate Antonyms Synonyms for desolate at with free online thesaurus antonyms and definitions Find descriptive alternatives for desolateDesolate Synonyms Desolate Antonyms MerriamWebsteralone solitary lonely lonesome lone forlorn desolate mean isolated from others alone stresses the objective fact of being by oneself with slighter notion of emotional involvement than most of the remaining terms everyone needs to be alone sometimes solitary may indicate isolation as a chosen course glorying in the calm of her solitary lifedesolate Dictionary Definition If you know the word deserted you have a clue to the meaning of desolate a grim word that can describe feelings and a person feels desolate he feels deserted lonely hopeless and sad When a location is desolate theres almost nothing thereDESOLATE meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionarydesolate definition 1 A desolate place is empty and not attractive with no people or nothing pleasant in it 2 extremely sad and feeling alone 3 of a place having no living things empty Learn moredesolate Definition of desolate in English by Oxford ‘It was a barren desolate place but I could see a city in the distance’ ‘But the Arctic challenge will be his biggest test not only pulling his sled in the most desolate place in the world but without experienced guides to assist him along the way’Steam Community DesolateDESOLATE is a first person horror survival experience Form a research team with up to 4 players and explore an open world filled with mysteries and unsolved questions or do it all on your owndesolate WiktionaryVerb desolate thirdperson singular simple present desolates present participle desolating simple past and past participle desolated To deprive of inhabitants 1625 Francis Bacon “Of Vicissitude of Things” in Essays London H Herringman et al 1691 p 204 If you consider well of the People of the WestIndies it is very probable that they are a newer or younger People
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